Key Benefits Volunteering with Lions

There are many reasons why joining Lions Club International and volunteering for your community can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience.
Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation

Many Australian children cannot walk due to medical conditions like Cerebral Palsy. They can’t run or jump or play like other kids. Often they’re stuck low in a chair and can’t even talk eye-to-eye.
Lions District Awards

On Saturday, 17th of July 2021, District Governor Tony Pederick OAM presented awards to lions who have excelled in the service of our great Lions organisation, at the District Governor’s Handover Dinner.
Tony’s Tattler (June 2021)

Dear Lions, It has been an honour and privilege to be your District Governor during the current fiscal year. We started the year well behind the eight-ball because of Covid 19 since February 2020.
Morning Interview on ABC Radio

Lion Patrick Williams was invited for an interview on ABC Broken Hill Radio on May 24, 2021. Hear Lion Patrick focus on how a Lions recycling project in a small township ended up reaching a national level,
Tony’s Tattler (May 2021)

Lions, You should all be aware that we are running the C1 Making Strides District Project, which commenced on 1 April 2021. Currently, at the time of this report, we have virtually travelled over 8,100 km,
Australian Lions Hearing Dogs & Adelaide 36ers

The Adelaide 36ers are proud to announce the Australian Lion Hearing Dogs as an official Charity Partner for the NBL 21 season dedicating their home game on Saturday 10 April against Perth Wildcats to raising funds and awareness.
Diabetes Awareness & Screening Project Update

On Thursday 25th March, the Lions Club of Clare District hosted the first of ten Diabetes Awareness and Screening clinics to be held in the north and west of the state. This major project is a collaboration between Diabetes SA (DSA)
Tony’s Tattler (April 2021)

Fellow Lions, The last month has been an interesting one for C1. We have now increased our membership to 1,171 members;
Andrew Reimer

It is and continues to be a privilege to be a member and contributor to Lions International, City of Charles Sturt where I get to be part of a team of committed volunteers working tirelessly in their fundraising efforts for charities