You should all be aware that we are running the C1 Making Strides District Project, which commenced on 1 April 2021. Currently, at the time of this report, we have virtually travelled over 8,100 km, having achieved reaching our original goal of attending the ANZI Convention in Cairns after numerous stops along the way (5,848km). Now are moving on to the site for this year’s virtual international Convention in Montréal Canada, another 15,000km. Having achieved over 8100 km in three weeks by 18 participating clubs (and some of which are still to report all their kilometres UpToDate), we should exceed 25,000 km by the 30th June.
My challenge to the district is for more clubs to participate, bearing in mind that all steps/ kilometres travelled from 1 April 2021 count, to see how far our district can travel in the three months to 30 June 2021. It’s not just about helping your club clock up steps, it’s about working together as a district. There are regular updates on the district Facebook page, spotlights on clubs across the district, along with information about diabetes. This is one of our key projects as part of our diabetes awareness program for the current Lions year.
The Diabetes Regional Project, in partnership with Diabetes SA, is well underway and by 1 May four event days will have been held at Clare, Port Augusta, Cleve and Port Lincoln. The approach by Diabetes SA has been very professional and supported ably by the local Lions clubs. I thank all those involved.
We are continually being challenged by natural disasters and the continuing saga of Covid 19. I thank those clubs who have supported the Australian Lions Foundation in their latest appeal in respect to assisting those who have been affected by severe flooding in New South Wales and Queensland. Your assistance is vital for the ALF to be able to provide the support required.
The Multi District Convention is being held in Canberra in early May and this will be the first time in two years where Lions will be able to discuss face-to-face matters concerning the organisation and its future progress. I ask that all clubs look at the motions to be discussed at the business sessions and let me or other Lions attending the convention know their views on each of them.
I am pleased to also report that our membership at the date of this report is 1,171 members, a net increase of 48 since 1 July 2020. This is the fourth highest net increase of all districts in Australia. Let us try and increase this to a net 75 by 30 June 2021.
Keep up your good work in serving your communities as the future success of our Lions organisation will be the result of what we do in this area.
Yours in Lionism
Tony Pederick OAM
District Governor
District 201 C1