ALDAF – Lions Quest Program

Lions Quest logo

So, what is the Quest Program? It is a program supported by ALDAF covering so much more than education in drugs and alcohol. It is an internationally accredited Social and Emotional Learning Program which has a strong evidence base. This means that evaluations in terms of outcomes have been reliably and quantifiably measured.

The Day I Became a Lion

Australian Lions Foundation logo

Past International President Barry Palmer often talks about the day he joined Lions. No, it wasn’t the day he was inducted, but the day he first became aware of what our Organisation does and why we are here to serve.

DG Handover Dinner (25 July 2020)

Gavel and Gong

On Saturday July 25th, the Lions Club of Wallaroo hosted the District Governor (DG) Changeover Dinner at the Wallaroo Community and Sports Club (WCSC), where outgoing DG, Kevin Masters of the Wallaroo Lions Club, handed the reigns to the incoming DG, Tony Pederick OAM of the City of Adelaide Lions Club.

More Than Just a Sausage Sizzle

Lions Australia Logo

Media Release from Lions Australia about a $50,000 donation from Bunnings to support the important work of Lions Australia in the community.

Sea Rescue Opening

sea rescue team and lions

The Lions Clubs of Wallaroo, Bute, Kadina and Moonta combined, donated $15,000, with a matched $15,000 from The Australian Lions Foundation, toward the building of the new Copper Coast Flotilla of the South Australian Sea Rescue Squadron headquarters

Skin Cancer Screening at Henley Beach

skin cancer screening unit

On the 8th and 9th of February, West Beach Lions Club hosted the Lions Skin Cancer Screening unit at Henley Square. The weather was kind over the two (2) days with Henley Beach having a lot of people visiting and enjoying the weather and beach area.

Lions Youth Programs

Youth Projects

Lions recognises that that the next generation of our community is critical to our future and as such we want to positively contribute to and empower our youth.

District 201 C1 Convention DG Dinner 2019

Copper Coast Convention logo

During this year’s Lions District 201C1 Convention, The Wallaroo Lions hosted the District Governor’s Dinner at the Wallaroo Community and Sports Club, with 113 guests attending