Fellow Lions, the coming year is going to be an interesting one as we enter the era post Covid19. During the past four months, many things have changed, especially in the way we communicate with each other by way of technology, the frequency of such communications and the lower cost of accomplishing these communications. These new ways will continue to be utilised as we move forward.
It is pleasing that we once again commence having face-to-face meetings. I am looking forward to visiting many of you during the coming months, along with my DG team, as such has not been possible due to restrictions over the past four months.
During the first six months of my term as your District Governor, I intend on having monthly Cabinet meetings to enable my team to catch up on all matters pertaining to our District including planning strategies to develop and expand our District, so it becomes more sustainable.
I encourage each of you to review your service activities and ensure that they are still relevant to your communities, and where necessary, either change them by adapting them to the needs of your communities or introducing new service activities. At all times, it is important to promote the great work your clubs are doing to support the community. Be proud of what you do. It is through these activities that we will attract, and retain, members of our great service organisation.
We, as a District, need to attract more younger persons into our fold and to train them as both members and leaders of the future as a matter of urgency. This will ensure that our District is both sustainable and viable going forward.
My Zone Chairpersons will be in regular contact with your clubs during 2020/21 in keeping your clubs up-to-date with what is going on in the District, to assist your clubs wherever they can, and to keep both myself and my cabinet informed as to the health of each club to enable us to provide assistance and resources, where these are required.
I would like to thank DG Kevin for the work he did as District Governor during 2019/20. I know he was disappointed in not being able to visit many of the clubs as a result of Covid-19.
I am looking forward to a positive and eventful year ahead, and with each of us having a lot of fun while working together in serving our communities as Lions.
Tony Pederick OAM
District Governor 2020/21