Much needed expansion to current premises at Verdun in South Australia.
This is the exciting news released at MD Convention at Geelong early in May, and below are the Artists images of the planned expansion showing the enlargement and renovation of the existing administration building and the overall extensions to Training areas, state-of-the-art Kennel complex to house 50 dogs and two purpose built training houses.
Alterations will be completed in four stages to allow the staff to continue working, training and delivering dogs with minimum disruption to routine. Stage one – the Administration Building expected to commence in 2021 – and total project completion five years from that date.
Our Annual Appeal will still be conducted early each year because we still need the support and donations from your Clubs to finance the acquisition and training of the dogs.
The Lions Clubs of Australia will not be asked to fund this building project, we are sourcing Corporate Funding, however, if any Clubs choose to make a donation to the Building Project, it would be gratefully accepted.
More news next month….
The Board of Directors, CEO and Staff of the Australian Lions Hearing Dogs.