At the first Lions District 201C1 Cabinet meeting for the 2021-2022 year, we congratulated Lion Alex Coates for being (what we believe is) the first GMT Team Member focusing on Inclusion and Diversity as the Inclusion and Diversity Support Officer and Advocate for our District 201C1.
The role’s focus is to consider and better understand how we integrate and support the LGBTIQA+, Multicultural, Indigenous and people living with a disability in our community and within our Lions family.
With pride, Lion Alex Coates reported that in his first tasks as a Cabinet member, he had attended the Better Together – 4th National LGBTIQA+ Conference in Adelaide, attended the Adelaide IDAHOBIT event and spoke with the many different organisations and people to gain insight and better understanding about how Lions can look to better support and encourage these groups to be more involved with and within our clubs. Alex has drafted our first Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement which will go to Cabinet for endorsement in the coming months.
In relation to the LGBTIQA+ community, the District 201C1 Cabinet then agreed a motion for Rainbow Lions and Allies participating in the Adelaide Pride march this November 2021.
Lion Alex Coates said, “attending this march will allow the exposure of Lions members and the Lions organisation to the Rainbow community, all while providing greater awareness to the broader community, highlighting Lions as diverse organisations, accepting of all.“
This march will be a significant milestone, as it will give our Rainbow Lions members and allies an outlet to express their pride in being part of Lions.
District Governor John Barnes agreed the motion was “very pleasing to see and should be proudly exhibited far and wide.”
The Salisbury Lions Club have already developed a Diversity Statement, which is shared here:
We, the members of the Lions Club of Salisbury respect and acknowledge the diverse community we serve including the traditional owners, the Kaurna people, Salisbury residents from across the world and those born in this country.
We also respect and acknowledge community members with other differences including but not limited to differences of ability, belief, gender identity, outlook and sexuality. We agree to treat everyone equally with kindness and through our service improve our community.
We encourage all Lions Clubs to consider their own diversity statement, or adopt the one above.
For more information, please contact Lion Alex Coates
Alex Coates JP
201C1 GMT Coordinator
201C1 District Co-ordinator, Australian Lions Hearing Dogs
201C1 GMT Member, Inclusion and Diversity – District Support Officer and Advocate
President | Convention Treasurer – Salisbury 2021
Club Chairman – ALWF and LEHP
Lions Club of Salisbury Inc
Caring for, Empowering and Serving our diverse community
M: 0408 698 337
The Salisbury Lions Club was established in April 1969 and incorporates the Mawson Lakes Lions Club Branch.
Salisbury Lions usually meet twice per month –
1st Saturday – 10am at Boardroom, Level 1, Mawson Lakes Hotel
3rd – Thursday – 6:30pm at Mint Leaf Lounge