Hi There,
Starting with a sad note, PCC Lance Gliddon passed away, this makes three (3) great Lions who have passed this year (Garth Beckwith, John Tayler and now Lance). PDG Lance Leak and PDG Carlene King and 2nd VDG John Barnes attended the funeral in Port Pirie.
Myself and 1st & 2nd VDG’s are still working our way through club visits, I am still doing Metro club, but did go over to visit Pt Lincoln LC and was well looked after By ZC Gavin Roberts.
Hope to have all club visits done by Nov. Then this will leave me clear to do other club visits in the District later in the Lions year.
The Mawson Lakes Lions Branch Club members have all but been transferred to Salisbury LC and I have Inducted the new board for the club. We wish them well on their on their new path as a Lions club
Most clubs would have received the list of prospective members that were gathered at the booth in the Royal Show this year, we seem to have few strikes bit a lot of misses, it will be interesting to see what the outcome will be.
I did my stint as donut cooker with the Wallaroo Lions at the York Peninsula Field Days. It was good to see all the other clubs there, Kadina, Bute Stansbury Dalrymple Maitland.
2nd VDG John Barnes attended the C2 Convention in Mt. Gambier in my place as I had to attend a wedding on the same day.
The Convention is getting closer I hope you all have your registrations in it will be a great weekend. Convention Chair PDG Glen Herbert and his team have been working hard to make it a great convention, the Guest Speakers will be PID Tony Benbow and Blair Boyer MHA (Member for Wright) Unfortunately DG Tom Kimber and Gill will not be attending the Con-vention as he also has family commitments also, in his place will be 1st VDG (elect) Daryl Morley, please make him welcome.
Membership we are 1220 not quite there but 1st VDG Tony says we will make the magic number by Dec. Please do all can to help him, other districts are also improving as well.
As this will be my last report before Christmas, I wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year but above make it a safe one! And see you all next year.
Kevin Masters
DG 201C