The man, is Clive’s father. Clive manages Nostru. Nostru is a Bottleshop and bar on East Terrace (once ‘The Oyster Bar’) that stocks all South Australian producers and the wines are all Italian ‘Varieties’. Clive knows Lion Charlie through her social club. And, well, Adelaide right!?
They (Clive and Charlie) decided to host a Sunday luncheon.
Clive said near the time of the event, “Dad had recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and he asked me if the charity could be specifically for children with cancer. “
“In his words ‘the children don’t understand why they’re in pain’. “
“Dad also said he’d like to donate some of his paintings from his time with Gawler Arts Society, so I’ll be putting 3 of his paintings up for silent auction on the day.”
We all hoped that he (dad) could be there with us, however he said his last goodbye and drifted off peacefully before the event took place.
He was with us in spirit.
The fundraising luncheon hosted 24 guests. The raffle and auction raised over $800 in his honour and included the three paintings from of his own collection as promised.
The Gilles Plains Lions Club moved the motion to donate $1000 to the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation. (ALCCRF)
His legend lives on.