Dear Lions,
Hopefully on time this time, I missed the deadline last time mainly due to just got back from Milan,3 days later the Handover then the following weekend down to Beachport for C2 Handover for Tom Kimber then caught the wog.
From the beginning before going to Milan I spent 2weeks in the UK, as I was transported when 10 yrs old, this was my first time back in 58yrs. Flew from Adelaide to Perth then onto Heathrow nonstop with Qantas, not bad as I thought 15 and a half hrs on the plane good tailwinds, stayed with relatives only there for 5days and wanted out too many people too much traffic this was not the place I remember as a 10yr old.
Then on to Milan flight 1hr 40mins later, going through customs 1hr 40mins very slow. It was very hot 35-36 C, then became a DG with 764 others, left Milan for Dubai then nonstop to Adelaide 14hrs with a broken video unit not happy!
So here we are and hoping it’s going to be a good year and continue from PDG Phil who has now gone back to the UK. Attended a PDG dinner which is normally done before we leave to become DGs my self and DG Tom Kimber gave a little talk about our adventures.
We have started our club visits 1st VDG Tony doing the Mid North and York Peninsula area, 2nd VDG John is way out west doing the Eyre Peninsula and Far North. One club I visited is Mawson Lakes Branch Club, this club has enough members to charter, but are working on an amalgamation with Salisbury LC awaiting the outcome.
Attended with Wallaroo LC to hand over a $2000.00 cheque to the Riding for The Disabled to help with operation be-tween Wallaroo and Kadina. It was good to see the kids’ faces when put on a horse. Did two club visits in one day Charles Sturt LC in the morning for a breakfast meeting and Norwood LC and Lions against Violence Club Branch in the afternoon. Congratulations to Maitland LC for their grant for an emergency and community trailer. And Two Wells LC for a grant for shade sails for a playground. Pt Pirie LC their Liberty swing project is coming to fruition soon
Please all clubs let Ted the Bulletin man what projects you have going send him a story and pic-tures let us in the district know what’s going on. And don’t be shy send an article to the Lion Mag-azine we always seem to know what the Eastern States are doing not us. We have 2 conventions coming one in the Copper Coast in Nov and one next year the 2020 Multiple District Convention in Adelaide this is a combined C1-C2 project with myself and Tom Kimber on the committee. PDG Don Prichard is out of hospital now, I am sure all our thoughts are for good and quick recovery.
I will be attending my first Council Meeting in Sydney in Sept, as soon as I get back going to the Adelaide Show to man a booth that Lions have at the show, again this is a C1-C2 event, hope to see you there.
DG Kev