DG Peter’s Handover Speech 2024

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DG Peter KorndorferThank you, Ladies and Gentlemen and fellow Lions, for attending the 2024 District Governor Handover, a celebration of not only what we as a District have achieved, but also a Celebration of what Clubs and we as Members have achieved.

The Year kicked off with the DG Handover at The West Lakes Golf Club and a fantastic night it was, celebrating the achievements of PDG Zig and his Cabinet and looking ahead what would be achieve in the coming year.

The next big event was our District Convention held in Peterborough, with their Historic Town Hall providing the venue for the Convention. Some great resolutions in our AGM, selection of our next DG Group, who are now our DG, 1VDG and 2nd VDGs Steve, Ray and Alex. We voted on creating a new District Project – Meat for Foodbank and continuance of the Visual support for the Aged. The event was finished off with a free breakfast and the handing over of the Flags from Peterborough Lions to the Cowell Lions. I hope you have all booked in for the Convention in Cowell.

As mentioned, we now have our Meat for Foodbank project which is being brilliantly supported by our Clubs and has to date delivered in excess of 20,000 Meals of Meat to Foodbank I would like to thank Richmond Lions Club as the Major contributor of funds to this Project.

2 District wide Food drives where held, which proved successful, the first only 3 Clubs participating but the second drives having 15 plus clubs taking part. This initiative has also been responsible for some Clubs running Food drives on a more regular basis as one of their primary service initiatives.

Our LEHP Vision Screening Project with well over 500 screenings carried out, is starting to grow at a fast rate, with many Clubs now showing interest and having members certified as screeners. This year we will hopefully get 2 more Cameras and the ability to run 3 screenings at various venues at the same time.

Youth of the Year and Peace Poster have seen an increase in participation, let’s keep this going and get these Projects back to their former high participation rates.

We as Clubs keep supporting our Australian Lions Hearing Dogs by sponsoring and being there when an animal is placed, providing support and testing over the first 3 months to the recipient and animal. I know of at least 5 that have been placed in our District, DG David you might have more accurate numbers.

The year did finish off with excitement with the Charter of a LEOs Club, and you heard from Jayden Weber, President of the Pedare College LEOs Club. I am looking forward to the ideas and Service Project that these amazing young People will no doubt come up with. This Club is a direct result of our CUBs Club at Pedare. The need to serve was ignited in these young people and they have committed to Serve and driven the establishment of the LEOs Club, with a small, ok massive, help from Annette and Petrea.

Sadly, we are 4 Members down, we brought in 159 but lost 163, we need to ask why members are leaving. One of the biggest issues is Conflict and not providing for the needs of our members. We as Members and Clubs need to ensure that Membership in Lions provides value for money, but more importantly provides growth opportunities to our members as People and Leaders and gives them the “What’s in It For Me” the benefit to them.

On a personal note, what made the year enjoyable and worth every moment are the people, our members. Visiting the Clubs, talking to the members, seeing the vast variety of Service Project. The one thing that is constant is the dedication and passion for what we do and who we are – LIONS. I did enjoy the Council meetings and looking at strategic initiatives to help drive our organisation forward. Megan and I had the privilege of meeting our just retired Governor General his Excellency David Hurley AC at Admiralty House in Sydney. Attending two International Convention my incoming in Boston and outgoing in Melbourne, these are always fun events, a time to catch up with Lions friends from around the world and to make new ones. ANZI Pacific Forum in Christchurch and the chance to meet and talk to our then International President Dr Patti Hill and our future Leaders now president Fabricio Oliveira, AP Singh, Mark Lyon and Manoj Shah.

Comments from members in our District cabinet that they enjoyed a fabulous atmosphere at meetings, providing open, lively but respectful debate along with humour. People stating that the cohesion across our District is once again growing, I know this is an important part in DG Steve’s year, Clubs working together. We are all Lions with the same objective of “We Serve”, it is comments like these that truly make the year worthwhile.

I would like to thank my Club, The Elizabeth Playford Lions Club and its wonderful members for supporting me and Megan over the last 3 years as I undertook this, Journey. This last year, especially, members taking on extra duties and as a Club growing its membership to 36, you all have embodied my Theme of “Ignite the Passion and Commit to Service. I thank you.

Let’s all take on our International Presidents Theme “Mark Your Mark”, please support your communities, your Clubs and Zones, the district and our incoming District Governor over his year and ensure we grow and be the best District in the Country.

I would now like to take the opportunity to present some individuals with awards. These Lions all stepped up to the plate and delivered above and beyond their roles. Council Chair David could I ask that you help me with the presentation, as our Past International President Barry Palmer would say “There is no such thing as a free Dinner”. Apart from being our Hearing Dogs CEO, David is also the first Council Chair across from either of the C District, the last South Australian Council Chair being PCC Bill Holmes OAM. David, it seems you have followed Bill in your Lions path, not only as Council Chair but, David you also stepped in as CEO when Bill retired. I would again like to congratulate David on having been elected as our Multiple District Council Chair:

Before I present the awards I would like to thank both Richmond Lions Club and Glenside Lions Club, who out of their kindness donated over $20,000 worth of MJF Credits to the District from donations they have made.

  • Lion Gary Pavlich, District Footprints Award for 2023-2024.
  • Lion Michael Neal, Certificate of Appreciation and a Council Chairperson Medal.
  • Lion Allan Zerna, International President’s Certificate of Appreciation and a Council Chairperson Medal.
  • PDG Tony Pederick OAM, International President’s Certificate of Appreciation and a Council Chairperson Medal.
  • Lion Annette Slater, International President’s Certificate of Appreciation and a Council Chairperson Medal.
  • Lion Sandy Royal, James D Richardson Award.
    2nd Vice District Governor Alex Coates, James D Richardson Award.
  • Lion Petrea Stacey an Ian Stockdale Humanitarian Award and Council Chairperson Medal.
  • PDG Rob Royal, a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship and a Council Chairperson Medal.
  • PDG Lance Leak OAM, a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship and a Council Chairperson Medal.
  • Lion Karen Hutchinson, International President’s Leadership Medal.
  • Lion Andrew Stacey, International President’s Medal.
  • PDG Megan Butler a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship along with a Council Chairperson Medal. , Credits for this Progressive MJF come from my own Donations to LCIF.
  • District Governor Steve, Gavel to signify and remind him of his year as our 2024-2025 District Governor.

I thank all District 201C1 Lions for making my year a year to remember and a very special year for Megan and I. Steve the District is yours.

Peter Korndorfer
District Governor 2023/24
DG Handover Speech
13 July 2024