The COVID-19 virus has had a major impact on communities worldwide. Australia is no exception, and like most service clubs/charities fund raising has been hit significantly. Remember all funds raised by the ALCCRF go to funding Childhood Cancer research projects in Australia through their longest coin line.
So, we need your help. Once again during 2020-2021, the Lions Club of Elermore Vale in District 201 N3 is holding another attempt to break the record for the Longest Coin Line in the Guinness Book of Records to raise funds for the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation (ALCCRF). Last year in a little over 6 weeks their attempt managed to lay 10 km of coins.
At present the record for the Longest Coin Line is 75.24 km (46.75 miles) and held by pupils of BRG/BORG in Kirchdorf Austria. Together with their parents, teachers and volunteers, the record was attempted and successful on the 9th December 2011. The Elermore Vale Lions aim is to have a coin line of 76 km plus in length.
District Governor Tony Pederick OAM has decided to support this project for his year which in turn will help raise vital funds for much needed Childhood Cancer Research. To achieve this, he asks for support from all District 201 C1 Lions Clubs to collect (in either a jar or bucket) coins of any/all denomination from Club members at meetings or at any fundraiser as permitted because of the current COVID-19 situation. Clubs are also asked to contact their local school principal asking staff, parents, and students to hold either a coin line or collect coins in a jar or bucket.
I recently issued a challenge to the Lions Club of the City of Adelaide that I would supply a 20 litre plastic bucket for them to fill and once full to then lift it and test their strength. I’m pleased to say that they have accepted my challenge, and I’m sure they will meet it and fill the bucket.
We ask that once your coins are collected, please remit the funds to the District 201C1 Treasurer Hayden Edwards, with referencing your Club name or Club number. Please ensure you state that the donation is for the DG’s donation to the ALCCRF Longest Coin Line. At the end of his term DG Tony will forward this money to the ALCCRF Treasurer as District donation.
It is anticipated that just prior to November 2021 all money received Australia wide for the attempt will be converted to 5c pieces and laid out in accordance with Guinness World Record Rules that month.
Please take photos of any coin line/collection and post on the “Australian Lions Longest Coin Line” Facebook, Twitter or Instagram #LionsCoinLine pages set up for this challenge.
Let me know if you need any further information.
Lion Sandy Royal
C District Trustee ALCCRF